Privacy policy

1. Data Controller and Data Protection Officer

SERVILAND GESTIÓN URBANÍSTICA, S.L.U. (hereinafter, Serviland), with registered office at Avenida de Burgos, 12, 28036 Madrid, and tax identification number B-16883282 is responsible for the processing of the data provided to Serviland by the interested parties. 

We also inform you that if you wish to contact our Data Protection Officer (hereinafter, DPO), to ask any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, you can contact the DPO by email at [email protected] or send a letter with the reference "DPO" to Carretera de Esplugues, 225, 08940 Cornellà de Llobregat (Barcelona).

2. Purposes of processing and Legitimation

Serviland collects personal data in order to process them for the purposes and in accordance with the legitimate bases of the processing detailed below:

- Based on your consent, we will process your personal data for the following purposes:

  • To be able to deal with your queries, questions or requests made through the customer service or communication channels identified on the Website and, where appropriate, to contact you, including by electronic means, such as e-mail, message, or instant messaging (whatsapp), in order to process them.
  • To send you transactional and/or commercial communications, by electronic means such as email or instant messaging (whatsapp), adapted to your preferences about our products or services, creating a commercial profile based on the asset searches you have previously carried out.
  • To provide and manage the services requested.  
  • To evaluate your investment proposal in one of the real estate assets contained in our portfolio.
  • To respond to your request and provide you with investment advice.

You may withdraw the consents given at any time, without this having any consequences or influence on the rest of the purposes for which you do not withdraw your corresponding consent. Without prejudice to the foregoing, if you withdraw any of the aforementioned consents, we will not be able, where appropriate, to deal with your request, maintain your registration, send you commercial communications or newsletters, evaluate your collaboration request or provide you with the services requested.

- In compliance with legal obligations to which Serviland is subject, we will process your personal data in order to:

  • Comply with the due diligence measures established in Law 10/2010 of 28 April, on the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism, as a regulated entity.

The data we request from you for this purpose are necessary to comply with our legal obligations, so if you do not provide us with them, we will not be able to accept or evaluate your offer.

3. Obligation to provide certain personal data and to keep it up to date.

Source of personal data.

The personal data requested from you will be strictly necessary for the various purposes identified herein.

We count on your commitment to ensure that the data you share with us, and which are processed are accurate and truthful and that you inform us of any changes to them, at the address given in section 7.

Serviland guarantees that when you inform us, your data will be rectified. Therefore, any communication from Serviland addressed to the contact details you have provided us with at any given time will be considered valid.

We also inform you that, when you have given your consent, your identification and contact details may originate from our partners, so we may contact you, including by digital means, informing you about our products, activities, and services.

4. Sending commercial communications

Serviland, as part of its commercial activity, may provide you with resources for registering or subscribing to company news or commercial information. Such resources will always be subject to your consent to forward them to you. 

If you have authorized us to do so, Serviland may send you advertising content based on the alerts you have set up about products, activities, and services by electronic means, such as e-mail or instant messaging (whatsapp).

You may withdraw your consent to receive commercial communications at any time, which is made available to you in section 7 of this Policy. 

5. Automated Decisions and Profiling 

For some services, we may use automated means for the processing of personal data, meaning that certain decisions are taken automatically without human intervention. However, such profiling does not entail any legal or similar effects and the personal data processed are those which are strictly necessary,

For example, if you have selected products in favorites, communications informing you that the property is still for sale or rent.

6. Duration of processing and storage period

The data processed under your consent will be processed and kept as long as you do not withdraw said consent, except for those processed to deal with your queries, questions or requests made through the customer service or communication channels identified on this website or by telephone, which will only be kept for as long as it is necessary to deal with your queries, questions or requests.

The data processed in compliance with the applicable regulations on money laundering will be processed and retained for the period of time established therein.

In any case, once deleted, your personal data will be kept duly blocked during the period of limitation of legal proceedings and the formulation, exercise or defence of claims arising from the processing.

7. Rights of the data subject

You may withdraw your consent and/or exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure, limitation of processing, data portability and opposition before Serviland, by sending your request in writing with the reference "Datos Personales Serviland" to Carretera de Esplugues, 225, 08940 Cornellà de Llobregat (Barcelona) or by sending an e-mail to [email protected], specifying which right you wish to exercise.

Each right is explained below, to make it easier for you to exercise it:

  1. Right of access: You have the right to know what personal data we process about you and the purposes for which we process it.
  2. Right of rectification: You can ask us to rectify your personal data at any time if the data in our records are incorrect.
  3. Right of suppression: You may request, at any time, that your personal data be deleted from our systems. 
  4. Right to object: You may object to the processing of your data in relation to any of the purposes for which we process them. 
  5. Right to restrict processing: You may request the restriction of processing in the following cases:
    • If you believe that the information, we hold about you is not correct or accurate;
    • If you consider that we are not lawfully processing your data, but you would prefer that we limit the processing of your data to erasure;
    • If the data we hold is no longer required by us for the purpose for which we collected it, but you need us to keep it in order to pursue legal claims;
    • If, having exercised your right to object to any processing, you are still awaiting a response from us.
  6. Right to data portability: You have the right, where technically possible and reasonable, to request that the personal data you have provided directly to us be disclosed to another data controller.

We also inform you that you may exercise your right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority, which in Spain is the Spanish Data Protection Agency, on the following website

8. Social networking

Social Networks are part of the daily life of many Internet users, so we have created different Serviland profiles on them. 

All users can join the pages or groups that Serviland has in different social networks. 

However, you should bear in mind that, unless we request your data directly (for example, through marketing actions, competitions, promotions, or any other valid form), your data will belong to the corresponding Social Network, so we recommend that you carefully read their terms of use and privacy policies, and make sure you configure your preferences regarding the processing of your data.

9. International Transfers

Serviland keeps your data in the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA). 

If, in the future, we need to provide them to service providers located in a third country or to an international organization, either because of the need to provide you with the requested service or in order to provide you with the service with the highest quality standards, Serviland undertakes to apply all the measures and controls to guarantee and protect the processing of said personal data in compliance with the applicable regulations and to provide you with the information required by the regulations in this regard.

10. Recipients of personal data

We will not share your data with any third parties, except to the following categories of recipients:

  • With providers who provide a service to us (e.g., website maintenance, support services).
  • With those for which we have previously informed you and you have given us your consent (e.g., so that they can offer you services related to the assets you are interested in, such as financing).

With Public Administrations, Security Forces and Corps, Courts and/or Tribunals to comply with our legal obligations and/or for legal actions, the formulation, exercise or defense of claims arising from the processing.

11. Modification of the Privacy Policy

Serviland may update this Privacy Policy as often as it deems appropriate and at its own discretion or to adapt it to legislative or doctrinal changes. We will inform you of such changes and updates by publishing them on the website or by notifying you via the contact details available to us, when the modifications so require, in accordance with the applicable regulations.

Date last updated: 01/07/2022