General terms of use

Legal notice

In accordance with the stipulations of the Spanish information society and e-commerce act, Law 34/2002 of 11th July 2002, and other regulations applicable by law, users of this portal are informed of the following information of a general nature:

The domain is owned by the company Servihabitat Servicios Inmobiliarios, S.L.U., with tax no. B66082629, entered in the Madrid Companies Register in volume 37153, folio 143 and page M-663089, with place of business at Avenida de Burgos, 12, 28036 Madrid. Servihabitat Servicios Inmobiliarios, S.L.U. provides different societies, some of them from La Caixa group, with real estate Management services including the administration, management, exploitation and marketing, for sale or rent - with the exception of leasing - of property assets of all kinds, owned either by the group or by third parties, in the broadest terms and through any channels, including the Internet channel through the running and operation of websites, as well as the purchase, holding and disposal of property assets of all kinds.

Servihabitat Servicios Inmobiliarios, S.L.U. is not the owner of any of the properties marketed through this portal. The properties are owned by companies in "la Caixa" Group and other third parties who have entrusted the marketing of their properties to Servihabitat Servicios Inmobiliarios, S.L.U.

Access to the Servihabitat portal and to the information concerning any of the properties and services contained therein implies agreement to the conditions stipulated in this Legal Notice. You are therefore recommended to read its contents carefully if you wish to access and make use of the information and services offered through said portal.

Validity of Information

These conditions are valid as of the date of their last update. Servihabitat Servicios Inmobiliarios, S.L.U. reserves the right to alter them at any time, in which case they will come into force as of the date of their publication and will be applicable to all users of the portal from that date onwards.

The contents of the portal, in particular the information and advertising content, are solely for the purpose of commercial information, and no e-commerce transactions or even reservations may be carried on through the portal. Servihabitat Servicios Inmobiliarios, S.L.U. reserves the right to make changes or partially or completely remove the current content from the Servihabitat portal where it sees fit, as well as to block or restrict access on a temporary or permanent basis.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

The Servihabitat portal, the pages therein and the information or elements contained on them include texts, documents, photographs, drawings, graphic representation, databases, computer programs, logos, trademarks, trade names or other distinctive marks that are protected by intellectual or industrial property rights of which Servihabitat Servicios Inmobiliarios, S.L.U. is the holder or legitimate licensee.

Servihabitat Servicios Inmobiliarios, S.L.U. offers no guarantee whatsoever of the legality of the information or elements contained in the Servihabitat portal pages where the source or title-holder thereof is not its own.

Prohibited and Permitted Uses

Any form of exploitation of the aforesaid content, creations or distinctive marks, including all forms of reproduction, distribution, transfer to third parties, public communication or transformation, in whatever form of media, is prohibited without the prior, explicit permission of the respective title-holders. Any infringement of this prohibition may constitute a punishable offence under current legislation.

Nevertheless, users may, at their own risk and on their own behalf, download or make copies of the said elements for their personal use only, providing this does not infringe Servihabitat Servicios Inmobiliarios, S.L.U.'s intellectual or industrial property rights. In particular, they may not be altered, modified or deleted, either wholly or in part. Under no circumstances does this imply any authorisation or licence in respect of the rights owned by Servihabitat Servicios Inmobiliarios, S.L.U.

Except when expressly authorised by Servihabitat Servicios Inmobiliarios, S.L.U., it is forbidden to establish links from third-party portals or websites to Servihabitat web pages other than the home page of the portal, accessible at the URL address, or any address that may replace it in the future, or to present Servihabitat web pages or the information contained therein in frames or under the distinctive marks, trademarks or company or trade names of any other person, company or organisation.

Furthermore, the domain name and any others which may serve to access this website directly or indirectly are the property of Servihabitat, owner of an operating license in this regard as well. Any misuse thereof for commercial purposes represents an infringement of the rights conferred by their registration and will be pursued by the means stipulated by law.


Servihabitat Servicios Inmobiliarios, S.L.U. does not guarantee constant access or the proper display, download or use of the elements and information contained on the pages in the Servihabitat portal, which may be impeded, hindered or interrupted by factors or circumstances beyond its control.

Servihabitat Servicios Inmobiliarios, S.L.U. is not responsible for any information and other content contained in third-party web spaces or pages accessible from the Servihabitat portal through links, for any information and other content in third-party web spaces or pages containing links to the Servihabitat portal or any of its web pages, or for any information and content on any third-party web page presented under the Servihabitat appearance or distinctive marks, except where this is explicitly authorised by Servihabitat. Servihabitat undertakes to take all possible steps to prevent the existence on its site of any illicit content and, should it become aware of such content, to remove it or block access to it.

Servihabitat Servicios Inmobiliarios, S.L.U. takes no responsibility for any information, content of whatever kind, products or services offered or supplied through the Servihabitat portal by third-party companies, individuals or organisations, even where they belong to the same business group. In particular, Servihabitat accepts no liability for damages of any kind relating to the above that may be caused by: (i) omissions or deficiencies in the information supplied to users, or in the truth, accuracy, or adequacy thereof; (ii) failure to comply, or inadequate or late compliance with contracts or pre-contractual agreements; (iii) failure to meet obligations by information society service providers; (iv) infringement of consumer or user rights; (v) infringement of intellectual or industrial property rights; acts of unfair competition or illegal advertising; (vi) infringement of the rights of data protection, trade secrets, to reputation, to personal and family privacy and the image of persons; and (vii) in general, failure to comply with any applicable laws, customs or codes of conduct.

Nor does Servihabitat Servicios Inmobiliarios, S.L.U. accept any liability for any damages, losses, complaints or expenses resulting from: (i) interference, interruption, faults, omissions, telephone faults, delays, blockages or disconnections in the operation of the electronic system, caused by deficiencies, overloads or errors in telecommunication lines and networks, or for any other cause beyond the control of Servihabitat; (ii) illegitimate intrusions through the use of malicious programmes of any type and by any means of communication, such as computer viruses or any other sort; (iii) improper or inappropriate use of the Servihabitat web pages; or (iv) security or browser errors caused by poor browser operation or the use of non-updated versions of the browser.