Cookie Policy

We inform you that on this Website (hereinafter, "the Website") uses its own and third-party cookies and other similar technologies to make browsing easier, enhance your browsing experience and, depending on your browsing habits, show you content in accordance with your profile. They also help us to analyse our services and improve the quality of the Website itself.

The use of cookies may be related to personal data processing, and you can therefore consult our Privacy Policy if you would like more information on data processing.

The information gathered via the cookies on the Website may be used by both the website owner (Servihabitat Servicios Inmobiliarios S.L.U., hereinafter referred to as Servihabitat, with Tax Code B-66082629 and registered address at Avenida de Burgos, 12, 28036 Madrid) and a third party. Remember that if you accept third-party cookies you must follow the process for deleting them from either the browser options or the system provided by the third party itself.

Definition and general function of cookies.

Cookies and/or similar technologies are files that store and retrieve information on the user's browsing habits. The information obtained relates to the number of new users, the frequency and recurrence of visits, the duration of the visits or the browser or device used to access the website or run the application, for example.

In general, these technologies may be used for a wide range of purposes, such as recognising you as a user, obtaining information on your browsing habits or customising the content shown to you. The specific uses we make of these technologies are described below.

Types of cookies and their purposes

Several types of cookies exist, depending on their function and purpose:

  • According to the company that manages them:
    • First-party (own) cookies: These are cookies sent to the user's terminal equipment from a computer or domain managed by the publisher itself - Servihabitat in this case - and from which the service requested by the user is provided.
    • Third-party cookies: These are sent to the user's computer terminal from a computer or domain that is not managed by the publisher but by another company that processes the data obtained from the cookies.
      Remember that if you accept third-party cookies you must follow the process for deleting them from either the browser options or the system provided by the third party itself.

  • According to their purpose:
    • Technical cookies: These are cookies that allow the user to browse a website, platform or application and use the different options or services on it, including those used by the publisher to allow management and operation of the website and to enable its functions and services. They are usually configured to control traffic and data communication, identify the session, enter restricted access sections, remember the items in an order, carry out the purchase process for an order, etc.
    • Preference cookies: These are cookies that enable the user to access the service with certain features that can differentiate their experience from that of other users. They can be set by the publisher or by third parties whose services have been added to the Website. If the user does not allow these cookies, some services will not function correctly.
    • Analytical or measurement cookies: These are cookies that allow monitoring and analysis of user behaviour to improve the Website's performance. They help the publisher know which pages are the most or least popular, and how many people visit the site. All the information gathered by these cookies is aggregated and therefore anonymous.
    • Behavioural advertising cookies: These are cookies that store information on user behaviour obtained from constant observation of their browsing habits, enabling a specific profile to be developed so that targeted advertising can be shown.

  • According to the time they remain activated:
    • Session cookies: These are cookies designed to collect and store data while the user accesses the Website. They are normally used to store information that is only of interest for providing a service requested by the user on one single occasion (a list of products purchased, for example), and they disappear when the session ends.
    • Permanent cookies: These are cookies that store data in the terminal equipment for a period of time. They may be accessed and processed by the cookie controller for a specific period ranging from a few minutes to several years.

What types of cookies are used on this Website?

The information below describes on the types of cookies used on Servihabitat's Websites and their purposes.

How can cookies be reset or disabled?

The information below describes the possibilities for managing the cookies used on this Website:

First-party cookies

If you want to reset the first-party cookies you consented to on accessing the Servihabitat website for the first time, or if you want to disable them (except for technical cookies), click on 'Disable first-party cookies' to disable and reset the cookies. This option is available to users at any time during browsing.

Disabling cookies from the browser

You may also disable the use of cookies at any time by changing your browser's setup parameters. Here are the links enabled by the most common browsers:

To set Internet Explorer cookies

To set Firefox cookies

To set Google Chrome cookies

To set Safari cookies

We remind you that some of the website's functions may be affected if you disable the cookies.

International data transfer

Notification may be given of any transfers to third countries that may be made by the third parties listed in this Cookie Policy in their corresponding policies. The links to these policies are included in the "Third-party cookies" section.

Updates and changes in the Cookie Policy

In accordance with legislative or regulatory requirements, or for adaptation of this policy to the Spanish Data Protection Agency's instructions, this Cookie Policy may be totally or partially updated and a new version published. We therefore suggest you periodically revise its content.

You can consult the rest of the information on how we process your data in our Privacy Policy.

Last update: 05 May 2023.